
image by Veronica V. Jones

Dawn Greets a Zombie-Free World

Early morning in the zombie-free woods.

As dawn broke a few folks drove into town to confirm that the undead were now simply dead. They stayed to help the survivors, and we’ll be joining them shortly. I can still feel that squirrel bite, even though my hand is downstairs on ice in a cooler. But at least I was the only casualty here. Lucky me.

Once life gets slightly more normal, I’ll work on a master list of everyone who told their stories, and then maybe the truth can be told, in spite of the lies our governments will tell us. There’s already speculation about how this will influence the US presidential election, but now it’s time to mourn the dead and comfort the living.

detail of original photo EOD by Vivek Chugh

Written by in June of 2008. Last edited March 2017.

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