
image by Veronica V. Jones

Midnight Quiets the Undead

A hand with a nasty green wound.

It’ll be 1am soon, and the little monsters that made it into the ductwork are all dead… not jumping around gnawing at things dead, but just lying there slowly decomposing dead. A few minutes ago we took a quick look outside to find nothing remarkable: no zombie anythings shuffling around, and no strange lights in the sky.

Now that the skittering has quieted down, and the effect seems to have passed, it’s kind of funny, really. Last year, faced with a metropolitan sprawl full of undead the family survived unscathed. Now, holed up in the wilds of Kentucky, an undead squirrel took my hand.

It was a small bite — a scratch, really — but we all agreed that loosing a limb was better than going zed. Of course it hurt like hell, and most everyone’s eying me nervously, but I’m sure I won’t turn.

Well, pretty sure.

Written by in June of 2008. Last edited March 2017.

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  • P@ - June 14th, 2008 at 9:47 am

    It’s interesting to compare last year with this year. It seems to me that last year had a lot more survivors, while this year, more people ended up becoming victims.
    Still, this meme is a lot of fun. Thanks for hosting it!

  • Sylvan (Dave) - June 14th, 2008 at 10:06 am

    I found it really fun this year, despite my having to be at work all day. I’d write updates as things went on and post them when I had the chance. Overall, since I “survived” last year, I wanted this year to be a bit less optimistic. 🙂

    More than everything, though, I wanted to network with everyone else, highlight other people’s great ideas, and really build something that could explain all the different reports as still being viable (hence the “parallel worlds colliding” stuff).

    Loved it!

    Perhaps next year Mars will attack? The Four Horsement will ride? Who knows?

    Sylvan (Dave)