
image by Veronica V. Jones

The Calm Before the Apocalypse

President Obama all zombified.
President Obama all zombified.

Steven Wilson, the father of BLITEOTW, stands as our vanguard on the battleground that was once our peaceful, zombie-free planet. As this post is written, Friday June the 13th will shortly arrive east of Vadivostok on the global dateline, then sweep over his big island called Australia.

Locally, early rumors of an undead American presidential candidate are hopefully just an uneasy attempt at gallows humor. Whatever else happens in the chaos to follow — now that we are ready and waiting for this second wave of the undead — we’ll soon know if this catastrophic, unexplainable plague honors daylight savings time.

Written by in June of 2008. Last edited March 2017.

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  • Patrick Nottingham - June 12th, 2008 at 10:14 am

    What are the odds this could happen again? I mean here in Pennsylvania, where the original 60’s outbreak occurred that Romero chronicled for us, we’ve been removing the brains of the newly dead since the state legislature enacted HR 666 which forces all mortuaries to do this. isn’t everyone taking this precaution?

  • […] Not again. I’m hearing rumblings about an apocalypse. […]

  • neth - June 12th, 2008 at 11:55 am

    Don’t believe the propoganda – clearly of the 2 American candidates, McCain is the zombie. Just look at the guy – he’s like a billion years old already. And we all know that Cheney’s been a zombie for years.

  • Jeff - June 15th, 2008 at 12:17 pm

    Neth, I think you’re on to something!