
Realistic Unhistories

image by Veronica V. Jones

Jeff Himmelman

A man in a leather flight helmet weilds a large sword in a well-lit city.
A thin-waisted woman wearing orange robes is bathed in fire.
A small winged fairy girl wearing green holds a paintbrush.

Fantasy has been called an escapist genre, but the escape route illuminated by Jeff Himmelman is fraught with danger at every turn. His alternate realities are not filled with idyllic scenes of pastoral beauty, but of garishly illuminated cityscapes, foreboding forests and war-torn battlefields.

Mr. Himmelman’s gallery presents many clear visions of incredible unhistories and fantastic futures, each highlighting a stalwart hero at odds with an indifferent or hostile environment. With grim determination, fiery sorceresses cast incendiary spells, and grizzled warriors contend with menacing metropolises.

However dire the situation, Jeff’s protagonists seem well prepared for victory… whatever the cost.

Written by in March of 2010. Last edited May 2016.

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