
Fanciful Realities

image by Veronica V. Jones

David Palumbo

A certain kind of fantasy aficionado is constantly on guard for the telltale signs of sudden intrusions of mischievous magic, mythological monsters, or other extradimensional mayhem. It seems that David Palumbo also waits patiently for such otherworldly occurrences with a keen eye, ready to capture every detail in his illustrations.

From dragons and detectives to punks with pistols, Mr. Palumbo has a knack for realistically depicting the decidedly unreal. Each of his subjects are given life through the expert application of detail and lighting, daring the viewer to disbelieve what is so clearly seen to be true.

Nearly all of David’s fanciful creations exemplify the warrior spirit, and wield a wide variety of lethal items. Swords are far and away the weapon of choice, but more than a few firearms can be found at the ready. Raw energy itself is at the beck and call of mighty mages. Whatever the adversary, these compelling characters certainly come well equipped.

Written by in February of 2010. Last edited October 2014.

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