
Dark Fantasy Dreams

image by Veronica V. Jones

Anders Finér

A young woman with dark hair is having her suit of plate armor fastened.
A gigantic tentacled beast looms menacingly over a slender woman wielding a sword.
A man with blond hair and dark clothes is accompanied by an ghostly presence.

For many, the ancient past is a dusty collection of books, and a cloudy haze of half-remembered names and dates. Anders Finér sweeps these moldy musings aside with his smoldering, atmospheric works of historical illustration. An undeniable air of authenticity permeates even his fictional and dark fantasy settings, allowing the real and unreal alike glow with life.

Valiant warriors, reluctant heroes and hapless victims are all given an equal showing in Mr. Finér’s portfolio — each in a pivotal moment of doubt or triumph. His portraits, however undramatic or dire their situation, are given form with deftly crafted shadow and light, texture and wash, and perhaps even intellect and emotion.

This grand collection of ancient heroes and nameless monsters may or may not hold many of history’s lost lessons, but there is certainly a wealth of artistic beauty to behold in Anders’ portfolio.

Mr. Finér’s website is currently cursed with underconstructionism, so here’s a small collection to tide us over.

Written by in October of 2009. Last edited October 2014.

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