
Quirky Dark Fantasy Art

image by Veronica V. Jones

Michael Dashow

A well-dressed gentleman in a steampunk spacesuit gazes at a martian mountain.
A hapless man is berated by a well dressed tentacled horror in the office.
Amanda, a steampunk beauty in a leather corset and elaborate tattoos.
A woman coyly stands in the forest while a hooved and horned creature approaches.
A woman with long red hair and wearing burnished leather brandishes a smoking gun.

It takes a very particular mind to consistently find whimsy and horror in any situation, from the farthest reaches of space to the next cubicle over. Michael Dashow has one such mind, and from it leaps some of the oddest, most confusing, yet always amusing illustrations ever to grace a monitor.

His genre of choice is science fiction, but Mr. Dashow’s diabolically merry visions ultimately defy all attempts of categorization and classification. Rest assured, however, that whatever their troubled origin or sinister purpose, Michael’s works will consistently amaze and delight.

Written by in August of 2007. Last edited September 2014.

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