
Ageless Antiheroes

image by Veronica V. Jones

Thanos Tsilis

A group of angry warrior women overrun armored men.
A woman with red hair and a long black coat rests a katana on her shoulder.
A man stands before a large bubble-enclosed futuristic bust of a large woman.

History does not concern itself with the tranquil years devoid of conflict. No, it is the epic battles and personal conquests that are celebrated. Thanos Tsilis handily demonstrates his understanding of history’s love of conflict with his chaotic assortment of edgy renegades and unbalanced antiheroes.

Ranging from ancient Amazon tribes to futuristic computerized soothsayers, Mr. Tsilis captures the precise moments in time that shape past and future events. His off-kilter, oddly-capable protagonists seethe with a vibrant calm, ready to change the world with purposeful violence.

As civilizations rise and fall — or fall and rise, the world will be in a constant state of change, but Thanos seems at home with gritty, badass antiheroes of any age.

Written by in February of 2011. Last edited January 2025.

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