
Armored Fantasy Warriors

MuYoung Kim

A man in plate armor determinedly raises his sword.
A woman in armor and robes presses her back to a wall.
A red-headed woman in ornate armor charges.
A creature with blue hair, and blue glowing eyes in shrouded in blue flame.
A weary elf warrior rests for a moment in her plate armor.

The continual enhancement of personal armor has been a critical part of the human experience since the dawn of civilization. One of the most impressive innovations in the field is plate armor, and is clearly admired by Mr. MuYoung Kim.

A wide variety of wearable heavy metals can be seen in this gallery, from both western and eastern cultures. The characters that don these indomitable defensive systems seem ready for anything, weapons in hand. The level of detail is such in these portraits that individual hammer marks can be seen in the gleaming surfaces of some pieces.

Mr. Kim has also spent some time supplementing his portfolio more lightly armored individuals, as well as a few clearly supernatural creatures. with nearly the same attention to detail in their clothing, and level of grit in their gaze. More recent works are available via the aptly named Mu’s Doodles.

Written by in May of 2014. Last edited April 2017.

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