
Adventurous Art

image by Veronica V. Jones

Anry Nemo

A wind-whipped pirate with a dagger in his teeth clutches a small chest.

Fantastic imagery is a language all in itself. Regardless of geography, wherever there is unbridled imagination and technical ability, art is the inevitable result. Anry Nemo is an excellent example of a fruitful confluence of passion and skill. The body of his work deals with fantasy and nautical themes, but he also ventures into science fiction and horror.

The common thread that runs through the body of Anry’s work is the warrior and the weapon. These people have seen rough times, but have survived — perhaps even thrived in combat. Even at rest, many of these warriors still carry the weight of the world. Not all of his characters and creatures are so somber, so don’t despair: you’ll also find hope and wonder in the faces of Anry’s gallery.

Why do great artists abandon their websites and subsist on yucky hosted galleries? When will the madness end??

Written by in November of 2004. Last edited October 2014.

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  • Mike - October 31st, 2006 at 4:34 pm

    The whole of Anry’s work is that of a master. Nothing I’ve seen rivals.