
High Fantasy Art

image by Veronica V. Jones

Doug Kovacs

A goatish man with large horns plays the pipes.
A female form composed of frost, bark and leaves stands in a winter scene.
A woman dressed in black is deep in thought, surrounded by strange, spectral figures.

All of the elements of high fantasy can be found lurking in the works of Doug Kovacs. He excels in revealing otherworldly fairies striking an uneasy balance between our world and theirs.

You’ll find warriors and kings weighed down by their weapons, and their duty. Strange and beautiful creatures also abound: usually fierce, but often uncertain of their surroundings. It’s as if they took a wrong turn and suddenly found themselves in theworld of Man.

Should you happen to meet Doug, you might be tempted to say the same of him. We are all, however, better off for the accident of his presence in our world, and the gift of his works.

Written by in September of 2004. Last edited September 2014.

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