
Ethereal Fantasy Art

Linda Tso

A young blond woman in a white dress stands in a sunlit field
A dark-haired woman stands seductively near hanging lamps
a young woman with white hair and a bright blue dress
A young woman with long white hair stands in front of a gloomy sky
A young woman with long black hair rides a horse in winter.

Linda Tso, aka Peachysticks, has a clear affinity for floating washes and strokes that capture much more than the mere physicality of her subjects. Her elegant portraits are spiritual snapshots, offering stunning views of the inner worlds of delicate royals, rugged adventurers, and fanciful beings. The physical beauty of Ms. Tso’s creations, whatever their lot in life, is evident throughout.

The level of detail in Linda’s works is quite high, but there are also plenty of stylistic departures from reality. The result is a highly immersive unreality that seems at once both familiar and fantastic. But don’t take my word for it… visit stickydoodle.com to see for yourself.

Sadly, her domain has disappeared, and even her hosted gallery is filled mostly with hidden images. Woe is us

Written by in November of 2005. Last edited September 2015.

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