
Fairy Tale Fantasies

image by Veronica V. Jones

Chris Seaman

A woman in an ornate dress dances with a large bestial man.
A regal tiger stands in noble clothing and wearing an ornate sword.
A large fairy with blue hair cradles a wooden boy in her lap.
A green frog with an ornate white wig stands in a blue dress.
A young woman in plate armor hods a green apple, with small men surrounding her.

Most people forget the fairy tales they were told in their youth as they slowly grow older. A few lucky ones, however, take their favorite mythological memories with them on their wild, winding voyage towards maturity. Chris Seaman will help you revisit your childhood horrors and delights with his thoughtful updates to those classic tales of adventure.

While many works within his gallery reveal his trade as professional illustrator for many roleplaying games, some of Mr. Seaman’s works will recall stories from a simpler age. There was a cautionary tale of an orphaned princess with a fondness for apples, and another about a charming young woman and her bestial suitor. Remember that kind blue fey woman working to reform a wooden boy with a penchant for falsehood? Then there were the clever animals: amphibious royalty and and sly feline in finery too.

Your childhood may be a distant memory, but allow Chris’ creative renditions give new life to half-forgotten friends, and perhaps allow them to influence the childhoods already in progress of those you love.

Written by in November of 2015. Last edited December 2015.

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