
Whimsical Illustrations

image by Veronica V. Jones

Amy Houser

A pensive fairy with multicolored hair and robes.
A cartoonish mermaid relaxing on the shore.
A cocky half-elf in a blue coat wielding a large sword.

Every person on this planet once had a close and personal relationship with Fantasy, and could be magically transported anywhere — real or imagined — with only the smallest of nudges. The root of this unstable mental condition is inescapable: childhood.

Most are naturally cured of this dissociative condition within 10 to 15 years, but a small percentage of people — take Amy Houser, for instance — are continually affected for life.

Much of Ms. Houser’s loose, stylistic artwork often deals with the complex and varied emotions of the grown-up world, but her inner child always adds an element of whimsy to even the darkest of settings. She seems most at home, however in the eternally youthful world of fairies, and the confusing, chaotic world of contemporary youth.

Perhaps Amy’s inner child can sense the unseen connection between these two, seemingly unrelated worlds. After browsing her art, you’ll feel it too.

Written by in February of 2007. Last edited April 2017.

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