David Revoy

While inner strength can most easily be measured through action, this powerful combination of raw power and sheer determination can also easily be seen in the works of David Revoy. How else can we explain the sheer forcefulness and determination in his otherwise slender and delicate figures?
Stylistically, Mr. Revoy enjoys a wide variety of approaches; from quick color sketches and loosely tinted linework to fully airbrushed images and painterly portraits. Nearly all, however, are graced with the smooth tones and gentle curves of the female form. Be they human, sprite or elf, their playful determination serves as their weapon and armor, though many also have actual weapons and armor as well.
Whatever other tools these young women have at their disposal, inner strength is what unifies them, and what will ultimately lead them to victory in whatever battles they encounter.
Written by Jeff in April of 2011. Last edited September 2014.