
Sprites and Superheroines

image by Veronica V. Jones

Hanie Mohd

A masked girl with magenta hair brandishing a large pistol, a.k.a. Hit Girl.
Buffy Summers, a young blonde woman with a large wooden spike.
Hermione Granger, a young spellcaster holding a large book and a magic wand.
A young woman with a brownish-orage octopus on her head.

Many artists, over time, become comfortable with a particular theme or style, and settle into a predictable rhythm for the remainder of their careers. Other artists are always restless, and are constantly called to new territory, and happily experiment with new characters, genres and techniques. Hanie Mohd easily falls into this second, more energetic state of artistic vagabondry.

No female character is off-limits to Ms. Mohd, as long as there’s some element if fantasy to be found. Kick Ass’ sassy Hit Girl, The Venture Bros’ seductive Professor Girlfriend, Harry Potter’s studious Hermione, a wide assortment of comic book heroines, and even a defiant Slave Leia are honored by her illustrative attentions.

When not breathing new life into existing characters, Hanie’s pen still does not rest. Her original creations include a bevy of floral fairies, the rare wood nymph and the mysterious Octogirl, who’s only sartorial adornment is an octopus delicately perched atop her head.

Whatever the future brings for Hanie Mohd and her ever-expanding panoply of portraits, it’s certain to be equal parts strange and familiar… and unwaveringly heroic.

Written by in August of 2011. Last edited September 2014.

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