
Reflective Fey

image by Veronica V. Jones

Kajsa Flinkfeldt

A raven-haired fairy wearing a white dress and golden flower gazes up and away.
a dark haired fairy in a black dress sits and smiles with wings outstretched.
A joyous fairy with multicolored hair plays a tune on her flute.
A dark-haired man with large black wings is trapped.
A dark-haired fairy in a gauzy dress in a reflective mood.

In the wavering twilight between the fantastic and the commonplace, lies the watercolor wonderland of Kajsa Flinkfeldt. Her somber fairies and enchanted landscapes meld the magical and mundane worlds, creating a delightful, if not slightly confusing blend that defies all description.

Borrowing fashions from a wide variety of styles and periods, Ms. Flinkfeldt performs her visual alchemy to portray regal fey and beguiling mortal women that seem lost in thought… and in time.

Ms. Flinkfeldt seems to have abandoned her domain in favor of a hosted gallery. What’s this world coming too?

Written by in August of 2007. Last edited March 2017.

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