
Fantastic Characters

image by Veronica V. Jones

Michele-lee Phelan

A white haired and bearded man in a blue toga, surrounded by lightning.
A majestic winged woman surounded by earth, wind, water and fire.
A well-muscled man with a black beard wearing a lion's pelt.

Art of the Empath is Michele-lee Phelan’s fantasy art gallery, showcasing her mystical, mythical, and spiritual illustrations. The fantasy section is the largest, and contains a beautiful assortment of lovely women, dragons, unicorns, angels, and fairies.

She even has a small collection of paintings devoted to cats and slinky felinoid women. Michele-lee is also available for commissioned works, ranging from RPG character portraits, to sigils and custom illustrations.

Michele-lee’s focus has taken an Tarotist turn, but her new site still contains some beautiful work.

Written by in September of 2004. Last edited April 2017.

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