
Magical Mermaids

image by Veronica V. Jones

Yuehui Tang

In those magical moments of predawn expectation and twilight yearning, gentle ghosts and somber souls gather at the fringes of our world, and are expertly envisioned by Yuehui Tang. His timeless, ethereal women are possessed of undeniable beauty and seemingly boundless emotional depth.

The cool, vibrant colors of their varied — but not entirely dissimilar — environs subtly contrast warm porcelain skin. In fact, some of Mr. Tang’s subjects seem as if they are exquisitely crafted statues who have suddenly been given life. Come enjoy them quickly, before they return once more to the land of dreams!

Until his site returns, visit this CG Society gallery of his works.

Written by in December of 2008. Last edited April 2017.

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  • Åsa - May 20th, 2010 at 8:17 am

    This pictures are so beautiful, cant understand how he do it… so amazing !!

  • Anon - July 30th, 2011 at 6:41 pm

    He is my all time favorite artist…

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