
Fiercely Serene Compositions

Winona Nelson

A winged woman with long dark hair soars through the sky.
A pale regal woman in dark robes, an elaborate headdress, and bloody hands floats
A young man reaches into his reflection in the water, and the reflection reaches back.
An enraged vampire -- surrounded by fire -- bares their fangs and raises their blade
A slender woman hides her face behind a passive mask, with a wall full of other masks behind her.
A slender woman in a flowery dress walks with a large hyena.

The the interplay of chaos and order is responsible for everything you’ve ever known or experienced, from the creation of the universe to your most recent dream. Some might consider these forces at war, but Winona Nelson understands it’s truly a partnership… an eternal dance reflected in the somber shadows and vibrant colors of her works.

Many of her character portraits reveal calmly composed figures amidst wildly unstructured backgrounds, but you can also find the occasional frenzied warrior in a serene setting. Stately royals and crazed combatants thrive in their surroundings not in acquiescence, but in dynamic opposition to them.

This tension between calm and cacophony reveals a deeper truth of our world: in turbulent times, it is the most peaceful souls that shine the brightest.

Written by in August of 2019. Last edited August 2019.

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