
Macabre Mademoiselles

Abigail Larson

A slender woman in a long red dress and white gloves, dances in a graveyard with a skeleton in a long black cloak.
Danse Macabre
A green woman with snakes for hair peers at a particularly ferocious lock.
Medusa 2018
A young woman with black hair, sunken eyes and an elegant red wedding dress looks over her shoulder.
A slender man sits on a large grave with the name 'Lenore' engraved upon it.
Edgar Alan Poe
A man with pointed ears and large red horns in a dark red jacket dances with a woman in a long black dress.
Dance with the Devil
A somber woman with long black hair in a long gray dress stands at the edge of the sea under a full yellow moon.
Annabel Lee

The 1800’s Romanticism has given us many great works of literature, but more than merely this, it helped to instill a deep and abiding appreciation of the union of scientific principles and the supernatural. Abigail Larson compellingly captures this period in her portraits of strong women approaching, encountering, and perhaps even embracing the great unknown.

Slender, somber women populate Ms Larson’s illustrated world, but you may also catch fleeting glimpses of charming devils and other literary figures among her Victorian mansions and overgrown graveyards. Who can say what eldritch rites and forgotten gods these capable ladies will encounter in their adventures, but each will certainly be a tale worth the telling.

Written by in October of 2020. Last edited October 2020.

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