
Captivating Killers

image by Veronica V. Jones

Daryl Mandryk

Were you to encounter him in person, Daryl Mandryk might appear to be perfectly normal — perfectly sane individual. His artwork, however, might leave you with a somewhat different impression.

Daryl’s blistering, apocalyptic visions of barbaric and futuristic warriors are the raw materials of the worst kind of nightmares: armored behemoths, biomechanical zombies and demonic mercenaries roam the tortured landscape. Many of his denizens are human, but they all wield a wide array of monstrous weaponry.

If there’s a lesson in the collected works of Mr. Mandryk, it’s the chilling realization that anyone can become a killer with the proper motivation.

Perhaps he’s already depicted your lethal trigger?

Written by in May of 2006. Last edited March 2017.

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