
Dark Fantasy Art

image by Veronica V. Jones

Patrick McEvoy

A pale woman in a low-cut dress stands in front of a glowing bowl.
A bearded man in robes angrily wields two daggers.
An emotional chimpanzee wearing x-ray specs views its own skeletal hand.

From the subtly sinister to the unspeakably evil, Patrick McEvoy has expertly captured the creeping, compelling horror of the Cthulu mythos. A key point of any Lovecraftian story is the sudden loss of innocence — usually replaced by abject fear — that comes with confronting the Old Ones. With Mr. McEvoy’s help, it’s easy to understand this ghastly revelation.

Patrick is also comfortable in the realm of high fantasy, most notably depicting the characters of George R. R. Martin’s Game of Thrones. Here, valiant knights still defend beautiful damsels, and all of the worlds problems seemingly solved with either the sword or by diplomacy.

So, you may choose between innocence lost or innocence restored. Surely, the scope of Mr. McEvoy’s work is only equaled by its beauty.

Written by in April of 2008. Last edited September 2014.

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  • Patrick McEvoy - April 28th, 2008 at 11:55 am

    Thanks for the nice review, Jeff. I promise everyone that I’ll update my site with some work from the past year soon – things like EverQuest and World of Warcraft CCG art, and covers from the Fall of Cthulhu comics series from Boom! Studios.

    Also – I have an ongoing comic book series called Starkweather: Immortal. Issues 0 – 2 are out, and #3 should be arriving soon. I do the entire book in the digital-paint style of most of my illustrations, so you might want to check it out.