
Apocalyptic Beauty

image by Veronica V. Jones

Vitaly S. Alexius

A blond woman with large translucent wings gazes across an alien landscape.
A futuristic warrior stands at the ready in an oddly lit cityscape.
A dark angel with wings outstretched gazes upward.

Throughout the history of civilization, its members have been fascinated with the end of civilization — the catastrophic collapse of human order and a return to cosmic balance. Vitaly S. Alexius has expertly captured our timeless attraction to the end of days in his dark, tortured urban land and skyscapes.

With his vibrant artistry, Mr. Alexius reveals broad, expansive vistas of dark, yet eerily illuminated skies and decimated cities, silently witnessed by the living and the dead. Rendered in angry, deliberate strokes of neon and stone, he shows us the dramatic, yet oddly beautiful closing of the book of history.

Should you find these visions too disturbing, consider this less likely, but ultimately more hopeful interpretation: compelling visual evidence of an ultimate evolution of humanity into beings of pure energy, no longer bound by the material plane, and wandering the cosmos is search of greater truths.

Written by in September of 2008. Last edited February 2024.

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