
RPG Rogues

image by Veronica V. Jones

Steve Prescott

A githyanki priestess meditates.
A werewolf with bared fangs and a bloody face draws an blood-soaked arrow.
A barbarian man wearing animal hides runs from falling arrows.
A masked rogue advances dagger drawn.

For well over a decade, Steve Prescott has populated the pages of role playing games with adventuresome Humans, Elves, Vampires, and even the occasional Githyanki. His meticulous characterizations are faithful to the source materials, yet exhibit a certain flair, and subtle disregard for convention. Even in the world of fantasy RPGs, his portraits are just a little bit odd.

With all the blood, fangs and heavy weaponry flashing about, there is obviously an element danger… and even horror in much of Mr. Prescott’s work, but it is leavened by another critical element. Throughout his exemplary career as a illustrator, Steve has woven a continuous, subtle thread of optimism in his creations. His subjects — like the players they often represent — almost always seem to be enjoying themselves. After all, aren’t games supposed to be fun?

Check out Mr. Prescott’s latest sketches at his blog

Written by in May of 2008. Last edited September 2014.

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