Mirana Reveier

Should any doubts remain regarding the mutual benefit of cultural cross-pollination, they have been put to rest by the savory jambalaya of anime and high fantasy that is the work of Mirana Reveier. With a combination of original creations and fan favorites, her carefree characters exhibit the traits of each tradition in a seemingly infinite variety of combinations.
The relaxed, lanky denizens of Ms. Reveier’s design may seem to be citizens of many artistic nations, but they all benefit from her particular stylistic vision, while ably honoring the traditions of cartoon and painterly portraits. Her odes to Avatar: the Last Airbender, Cowboy Bebop and Final Fantasy are unique, but the works that feature creatures from her own imagination are perhaps her most compelling.
Each piece in the puzzle that is Mirana’s gallery is unmistakably hers, and undeniably enjoyable.
Written by Jeff in February of 2009. Last edited March 2017.