
Darkly Mysterious Fantasy Art

image by Veronica V. Jones

Jon Foster

A woman in leather leaps and shoots.
A young boy and a dog leap over a group of spears.

In a world so oppressively dominated by gravity, it is so surprising that our dreams are filled with sensations of flying, floating, and falling? Jon Foster molds the raw stuff of these dreams into haunting images of disturbing clarity and dark mystery.

Within Mr. Foster’s powerful compositions, figure and environment interact in empowering, unsettling ways. Deceptively familiar settings are torn asunder by the sudden appearance of malevolent forces or seeming fluctuations in gravity itself. Valiant hero and unwitting victim alike struggle bravely in the face of such unrelenting elemental chaos.

Truly the only constant in Jon’s works seems to be change itself, and the guarantee of another thrilling glimpse into the mind of a slightly mad artistic genius.

Written by in December of 2009. Last edited September 2014.

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