
Complex Fantasy Characters

image by Veronica V. Jones

Sophie M. Klesen

A pale elfin woman with white hair regards her ring carefully.
An angelic woman cradles a small infant in her arms.
A slender man with white hair sits in contemplation.

One of the marks of an exceptional artist is work that at first seems simple, yet reveals more detail the closer it is examined. The complexity of Sophie “SoMK” Klesen‘s artwork is concealed within the rich textures and subtle features of her carefully rendered characters and spacescapes.

Her portrait of Galadriel at first seems simple and weightless, but careful observation will betray the burden of time in her expression, and evoke a sense of mystery and adventure with her surroundings.

Ms. Klesen’s passion for fantasy is expressed in a wide variety of mediums, from traditional and digital illustrations, to sculpture and jewelry design. Whatever form her creativity takes, you can be certain that it offers more than first impressions will reveal.

Written by in May of 2005. Last edited August 2019.

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