
The Beauty of Good and Evil

image by Veronica V. Jones

Jason Chan

A man with natural rock armor and glowing veins.
A woman with red hair and white wings wearing a breastplate and wielding swords.
A woman summoning green energies with her outstretched hands.
Two wild women with long red hair, yellow eyes and elaborate tattoos.
 woman in white and white robes and an ornate headdress summons a small glowing object.

What is it about Jason Chan‘s work that makes it so disturbingly beautiful? It could be the careless interplay between fantasies and nightmares he invokes with his gentle monsters and sinister heroes.

In Mr. Chan’s world, an angelic face may sometimes — but not always — hide an evil heart. Whatever their intentions, each image he creates is compellingly rendered with passion and precision.

Good or Evil, Jason’s unsettling disassociation between appearance and intent will force you to question the motivations of each of his characters, and challenge you to appreciate the ugly truths along with the seductive ones.

Written by in March of 2006. Last edited March 2017.

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  • randy massena - January 1st, 2007 at 7:19 pm

    can you describe the type of art style you have? and what computer programs you use?

  • Jeff - January 5th, 2007 at 9:06 am

    I’ve already ranted plenty about Jason’s style, but you’ll have to ask him about his technique. 🙂