
Fantastic Warrior Women and Femme Fatales

image by Veronica V. Jones

Anna Christenson

An intense woman in a short blue robe wields a large hooked flail.
A woman in formal clothes waves an arm, trailing glowing blue webbing.
Wonder Woman stands with sword and shield, large red cape billowing behind her.
Buffy Summers lops off a vampires head with a large axe.
A woman with long white hair casts a glowing spell.
An tattooed archer relaxes with her enormous bow and small shield.

Fantasy has found many artistic settings over the years, from the classical high fantasy of faraway kingdoms, historical fantasy taking slight liberties with common knowledge, and even magic-infused space fantasy found light years from home. Anna Christenson is familiar with each of these enchanted environs.

One shining thread woven throughout her mystical milieus is archetypal woman warrior: confident, capable and unafraid. Ms. Christenson finds these fantasy figures in both moments of casual reverie and mere seconds from battle. Even at rest, you may notice their weapon of choice is still close at hand.

Anna’s vibrant portraits of lethal warriors and their wide variety of weaponry reminds us that wars are not won with just weapons, but by the unwavering dedication and determination to wield them well.

Written by in March of 2018. Last edited March 2018.

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