
Spiritual Femininity

image by Veronica V. Jones

Laura Pelick

A large creature watches over a reading girl.
A red-haired fairy bends over a pool of water.
A lavender fairy conjurers a little magic.

The hidden history of the world is a story of powerful feminine forces, long expunged by the patriarchy. Laura Pelick Siadak is working to help reclaim this lost knowledge with her portraits of archetypal female power.

Goddesses, elementals, and fairies hold a stately court in Ms. Pelick’s kingdom of imagination, presiding over deep forests, desert plains, and snow-swept fields. These mythological forces given form are most often confident and serene, but some are tormented by unseen forces or unexplained situation and chose to hide their true faces behind elaborate masks.

Whatever their disposition, Laura’s figures are rendered with varying levels of abstraction, but they always maintain their dignity, femininity, and humanity.

Written by in October of 2008. Last edited March 2017.

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  • michael g. heinrich - September 23rd, 2009 at 10:42 am

    hi laura,
    our parents are old friends. just checked out some of your work. impressive. keep up the good work.

  • Doc CC - January 29th, 2012 at 11:04 am

    Laura is a truly talented woman with a unique visual style that rarely compares to others. She infuses a playful, organic feel in everything she does which brings alive her creations.

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