
Colorful Elves and Enchantresses

image by Veronica V. Jones

Beatriz González Rabadán

A beautiful woman with dark, wavy hair holds two tarot cards before her.
A young man with long white hair and a golden horn on his forehead stands, lost in thought.
Three beautiful young elven women: a warrior, a flirt and a seductress.

Beatriz González‘s works are a smorgasbord of stylistic influences that contribute to a simmering stew of fairies, fighters, and femme fatales. Working almost exclusively with the female subjects, she takes her inspiration from the worlds of fantasy and video games, rendering them with clean lines and subtle shading.

As a curious counterpoint, Ms. González also occasionally takes a wild turn into a realm of psychedelic stained glass, with a complexity that still retains the persistent impish charm of her characters.

Whichever technique she brings to bear, or individual she chooses to render, rest assured the results will be captivating.

Written by in December of 2006. Last edited September 2014.

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