
Catastrophically Cute Costumed Crimefighters

image by Veronica V. Jones

Laurie Breitkreuz

A wide-eyed Wonder Woman checks her bulletproof bracers.
A cartoonishly cute Catwoman pulls on a glove.
Elektra warily eyes her surroundings, sai in hand.
She-Hulk leaps into action!
A classic-costumed Batgirl looks over her shoulder.

Where some see superheroes as grim vigilantes driven by tragic backstories to avenge the misdeeds of the wicked, a lucky few see them as powerful avatars of good, buoyed by their inherent good to set the wrongs of the world aright. Laurie Breitkreuz‘s optimistic outlook proudly places her in the former camp.

With gleeful abandon, a wide range of shapely female comic book heroes are rescaled to their cutest proportions in pencil and ink by Ms. Laurie B. Sticking mainly with Marvel and DC, these ladies retain all their power while gaining a kind of chibi-meets-good-girl glamour. Wonder Woman, Batgirl, Electra, and She-Hulk are but a few of the many notable subjects for Ms Breitkreuz. Cat Woman may be a villain at times, but she’s also a welcome addition to the collection.

Among the heroes, video game fighters and fairy tale princesses also found within in her gallery, you will also find more than a few radically altered once-male heroes portrayed in feminine form in Laurie’s gallery. Whatever their genre or original gender, all are indelibly perky, and slightly quirky… and made uniquely her own.

Written by in December of 2014. Last edited March 2017.

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