The Next Doctor’s Steampunk Christmas

Fans of the long running BBC series Doctor Who know that his latest incarnation, as played by David Tennant, is not long for this world. In this light, titling this year’s Christmas special “The Next Doctor” is a particularly painful, but seemingly suitable bit of wordplay.
When the Tardis arrives at London on December 24th, 1851, the Doctor is almost immediately called to the aid of a damsel in distress. When another Time Lord also comes running, and an oddly woolly Cyberman-esque creature bursts into the scene, confusion abounds.
David Morrissey confidently plays a future/past/sideways incarnation of our favorite Gallifreyan, and Velile Tshabalala imbues this Doctor’s companion with more spunk and initiative than the role has seen to date. As worthy successors to the series, they are certainly suitable… but is it meant to be?
While citizens with a monarch have already seen this episode broadcast over the air, those of us in the former colonies must most likely wait until the spring for the televised answers.
Written by Jeff in December of 2008. Last edited September 2009.