
image by Veronica V. Jones

Avatar: The Last Airbender’s Fiery Finale

After three great seasons of trials and tribulations, Nickelodeon aired the final 10 episodes of Avatar: the Last Airbender over the previous week, culminating in a two-hour finale last Saturday night. Aang and his band of teens and tweens completed their quest to defeat the tyrannical Fire lord and unite all four elemental nations in peace.

For those mysteriously unfamiliar with this masterful fusion of Anime and western cartoons, there are only two options: You can experience the grand adventures of Aang, Katara, Sokka, and the rest as the creators intended on DVD, or wait for M. Night Shyamalan to place his peculiar stamp on the tales in a trio of live action epics which begin filming next year.

We’ll be visiting Avatar Spirit regularly to learn more about this impending retelling of an already perfectly told tale.

Written by in July of 2008. Last edited March 2017.

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