Hellboy Storms Cartoon Network

In what may be his most faithful escape from the comicbook page, Hellboy will be let loose on Cartoon Network this Saturday night in Hellboy: Sword of Storms.
This first of at least two animated features finds our antihero traveling to Japan on the trail of a scholar possessed by ancient spirits. These malevolent incarnations of Thunder and Lightning are intent on world domination, and only one weapon can threaten their catastrophic scheme.
Hellboy: Sword of Storms will premiere on October 28th, at 9:30 p.m. ET/PT on Cartoon Network. Let’s hope they keep ’em coming!
Written by Jeff in October of 2006. Last edited March 2019.
why did they come out with a cartoon
It rocked out loud! I don’t think anyone who saw the film could ask that question.