
The Farscape Finale

image by Veronica V. Jones

Peacekeeper Wars Conclude

Ben Browder as John Chrichton.
Claudia Black as Aeryn Sun.
Wayne Pygram as Scorpius.
Anthony Simcoe as Ka D'Argo.
Gigi Edgley as Chiana.

Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars will conclude this evening on the SciFi channel. If you missed last night’s episode, you missed the origins of the Sebacean Peacekeepers, Rigel’s stomachs put to several unusual uses, and lots of frustrating interruptions. Don’t despair… they’ll replay yesterday’s two-hour show before wrapping up the miniseries tonight.

Watch what may be the last appearance of Moya’s crew on television — made possible by a sustained, well-organized fan rebellion — and decide if you want to see more. If so, visit Save Farscape to see how you can.

Written by in October of 2004. Last edited September 2014.

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