
Fanciful Furries

image by Veronica V. Jones

Jeff Axer

A human-dragon hybrid in a futuristic uniform flashes a V sign.
A white-haired girl in futuristic clothing stands with her arms crossed.
A spotted hyena-human mix looks up.

Dragons have endured for centuries as symbols of powerful magic; a primal source of otherworldly energies. Over the years, the Wyrm’s aspect has evolved as various cultures came to terms with this most mythical of creatures. The dragon’s modern metamorphosis — as a denizen of Furry fandom — is perhaps the most visually appealing to date.

Jeff Axer‘s anthropomorphic dragon Leigh is obviously his favorite creation, among the only slightly less-fanciful felines, hyenas, kangaroos, mongooses, raccoons, and humans.

Together, Mr. Axer’s intricately detailed characters populate worlds that should be somewhat familiar to anime and science fiction fen. High fantasy also exists within this chaotic mix, but it seems in spite of his penchant for the Old Magic, technology is an integral part of his dragon’s arsenal.

Written by in March of 2007. Last edited September 2014.

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  • Mr. Just A Guy - April 26th, 2011 at 4:26 pm

    Leigh is probably one of (if not THE) hottest dragons in the world. Rawr indeed.