
Space Fantasy Art

image by Veronica V. Jones

Jeff Carlisle

A helmetless Darth Vader is tormented by visions of his slain Jedi brethren.
A rodent-headed Rokugan nobleman sits with his paper fan unfurled.
Nick Fury in iconic two-tone style. An original image, not taken from an AP photograph.

If he is to be believed, Jeff Carlisle began his storied career in illustration thanks to his undying love for the space fantasy epic Star Wars. Some of his best works capture subjects and characters not seen in the films, as he’s spent much of his efforts on expanding the Jedi universe in role playing games and personal reflections.

Mr. Carlisle has also broadened his horizons to a wide variety of genre settings, from the adventure fantasy classic Dungeons & Dragons to Legend of the Five Ring‘s feudal Rokugan. Over the years, many genre RPG magazines and games have been graced with Mr. Carlisle’s crafty characters, even if a few have borne a striking similarity to the artist himself.

Written by in August of 2008. Last edited September 2014.

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