
Feudal Fantasies

image by Veronica V. Jones

Steve Argyle

An elf woman with long braided blond hair stands with a long spear.
A blond woman holds her ornate sword near her face.
A weary woman stands with her katana on one shoulder.
A young Djinn of the Jeskai Clan wields a long staff.
A temple guardian glides across the water, carrying a long double bladed spear.

We occasionally find a talented but troubled soul that truly seems lost; oddly out of place in the modern world. Steve Argyle‘s uncanny ability — and perhaps his unrelenting need — to recreate the glory of feudal Japan suggests that he may be one of the culturally, and temporally displaced.

Many of Mr. Argyle’s artistic endeavors are seen in the Legend of the Five Rings card game, but nearly all of his works seem imbued with the nobility and majesty of the far east. Even his most modern of works draw strength from another place and time.

Written by in May of 2007. Last edited May 2015.

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