
Darkness and Light

image by Veronica V. Jones

Raven Mimura

A vampire woman with red hair and a white corset.
A grim man with an eye patch and a spike in his shoulder.
A woman wearing a red corset and gas mask, wielding a large flamethrower
An armored man emerging from a large blue swirling portal.
A drow princess glowering in the shadows.

While our visual world may be enhanced with bits of color, it is primarily composed of the elements of light and shadow. Raven Mimura‘s command of these elements is nothing short of awesome. In his hands, they are characters of their own, adding to the drama and mystery of his work. His figures often seem to exist in a void, as if their intensity has pushed back their surroundings.

Beyond the interplay of bright and dark, Raven’s use of fine detail — down to the wrinkles and rivets — will enhance your suspension of disbelief and thrust you into the reality of whoever he’s created.

Written by in July of 2004. Last edited October 2014.

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