
Spiritual Fantasy Art

image by Veronica V. Jones

Heather V. Kreiter

A beautiful backpacker is about to be bitten by a handsome vampire.
A red-haired fairy wearing a green robe sits next to a pumpkin.
A beautiful woman with pale eyes and long white hair holds her hands to her face.

Heather Kreiter‘s rich fantasy paintings reveal the hidden spirit world, and its vital function as a conduit between humanity and nature.

The elaborate interactions and relationships she portrays are usually harmonious, but there are also darker pieces that reveal the vengeful, unforgiving side of nature. Vampires and ghosts are active participants in Ms. Kreiter’s world.

Whatever mood she evokes in her works, Heather’s creations reflect the awesome power and vibrant beauty of the living world.

Written by in June of 2004. Last edited September 2014.

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