
Glowing Fantasy Realism

image by Veronica V. Jones

Thomas Denmark

Tall white towers stretch into the sky, as sunlight slowly washes overhead.
A large dragon belches flame upon a lone spear-wielding warrior.
A dark chamber is lit by an eerie blue glow from outside of an opening doorway.
An armored female figure with long flaming hair glowers menacingly.

Thomas Denmark consistently paints a dark, dangerous world, accented by bright flashes of light and grounded by resourceful heroes. His characters are complex, conflicted people who by accident or design find themselves caught up in otherworldly struggles.

Perhaps it’s ironic that Mr. Denmark achieves such a high level of fantasy realism while incorporating hazy washes and expressionistic strokes into his art, but the end result is a world of eminently believable magic.

Written by in October of 2005. Last edited September 2014.

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