
Occult Horror

image by Veronica V. Jones

Jeremy McHugh

A woman with pointed ears and long black hair yells as she attacks.
A hooded woman rests her head.
An armored man wrestles with a many-tentacled beast.
A woman adorned in jewelry dances.

Jeremy McHugh‘s portfolio is a seething mass of occult oddities and gothic ghouls — a veritable mythological bestiary brimming with ancient dragons and darker, even more fearsome creatures. Mix in helpless victims and tragic heroes, and you have the makings of the worst kind of nightmares… the ones that just might be real.

What sinister demons hold sway over Mr. McHugh’s darkly troubled spirit? What unspeakable misdeeds weigh so heavily upon his soul that would cause such relentlessly tortured visions? Somewhere, a vengeful librarian keeps her secrets well.

Written by in October of 2006. Last edited September 2014.

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