
image by Veronica V. Jones

Beth Trott

A woman with red hair, long horns and goat legs walks through the forest.
A woman in white robes and a unicorn cast spells at a glowing blue figure.
A man in wolf skins holds a bloodied blade in a snowy forest.
A woman in blue robes and colorful wings invites people into a large room.
A woman with long blond hair is being held by several figures as a large blue dragon.
A woman wielding a glowing staff rides a large animal.

The world of fantasy art is filled with regal, detached beings of light and air, that float serenely above the world and all of its concerns. Beth Trott‘s characters, on the other hand, are much more down to Earth. They are the kind of folks that actually get their hands dirty, and make things happen.

Her expressive works show strong, dynamic warriors and adventurers acting decisively, and without hesitation. They are often tense and scowling, but rarely dour… compact and solid, but never less than graceful. Ms. Trott’s detailed, yet loose watercolor renderings capture the nervous energy and dangerous edge of her subjects — each powerful but often caught in desperate situations. There’s never any doubt, however, that each of them will ultimately prevail.

Written by in June of 2007. Last edited May 2015.

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