Robin Scott

One of the most challenging goals for a creator is to fully integrate one or more aspects of fantasy into the everyday world, with which their audience is intimately familiar. Robin Scott meets this challenge as a matter of course with their quirky, yet meticulous images. Through these works, they ponder the implications of the fantastic in our otherwise mundane lives.
A unique style that is born of the intricate aesthetics of hypereality, implemented with an exotic form of digital papercraft. Through this finely crafted lens, we see familiar subjects from new, and often unique angles. A thoughtful reimaginging of the Major Arcana, as a rediscovery of ancient energies in a modern city is perhaps the most compelling of Robin’s visions.
Like life itself, there’s magic to be found in their gallery, if you only know where to look.
Written by Jeff in July of 2008. Last edited August 2019.