
World-Weary Warriors

image by Veronica V. Jones

Joshua David

A bulky, muscular man with a large shield stands with his head turned down.
A tall man in black leather rests on a broken wall with a long rifle.
A muscular man with long gray hair and a large sword crouches.

Long a staple of countless tales of adventure, the lone hero is a powerful symbol of the indomitable will and resilient strength of the human spirit. Joshua David has taken a particular interest in — and has a unique talent for — depicting these stalwart warriors in moments of defiant action and peaceful introspection.

Resting between bloody skirmishes in unnamed conflicts, they take a moment to reflect on their past glories and future conquests. A few figures are easily anchored to a particular moment in history, but it is difficult to say if most are hewing a path through ancient history or a future wasteland scrubbed clean of all signs of a once great civilization.

Either way, Mr. David has elegantly captured the ultimate solitude and the unending pathos of war in his oddly restful portraits.

Written by in July of 2009. Last edited September 2014.

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