Drew Baker

Many artists are undoubtedly drawn to the fantasy genre out of a detached curiosity in mythology, or a passing interest in antiquated weaponry or armor. Others, however, seem deeply influenced by a particular historic time and place, and are driven to fully immerse themselves in the period.
Drew Baker‘s portfolio is largely dedicated to his contributions to the worlds of Legend of the Five Rings and Warlord: Saga of the Storm. While the dark fantasy characters and situations of Warlord are expertly rendered, Drew’s depictions of L5R’s feudal pseudo-Japanese world of Rokugan are truly stunning. He expertly captures noble samurai and sinister assassins with equal strength and grace. It is in this ancient land that Drew seems most at home, at least artistically.
It would be sheer speculation to insist that Mr. Baker is truly haunted by the spirits of long-dead warriors, but it would explain his unnatural gift for depicting their conquests and setbacks with such compelling accuracy.
Written by Jeff in April of 2005. Last edited September 2014.