Those Kooky Zombies

I asked Veronica to put some color to a recent undeadly piece of hers in honor of today’s zombie flashmobs in California and New Zeland. A word of caution, however: don’t go taking matters into your own hands. You’ll most likely get into serious trouble for killing an college student who got into the ketchup!
Speaking of spooky stuff: Jubiel isn’t undead, but she’s certainly scary. Jiggly too, thanks to Mr. Darkly‘s interesting, but somewhat annoying stereoscopic presentation. She’s not really all that safe for work either, so again… a word of caution!
Written by Jeff in June of 2007. Last edited March 2017.
I thought it was a movie stunt. This getting weird.
Aww I love zombie things! If anything is kookoo, it would have to be celebrity zombies! Have you seen some of the pictures from Hollywood Zombies yet? They are hilarious!
One of the artists who did some illustrations for Hollywood Zombies is Layron DeJarnette. I saw them on his blogspot. There are a lot more zombie illustrations there.