Jon’s Jigglestereo Jubilee

We’ve known about his tentacle fetish for a while now, but Johnathan Darkly‘s recent infatuation with stereographic images has gotten out of control.
His eclectic ensemble of digital dolls has always been a little odd, but now they’re wiggling and jittering all over his site. This is not as lascivious as it sounds — not that Jon’s artistic intentions are entirely innocent — yet words alone cannot describe the unusual, semi-dimensional effect of what he’s calling ‘jigglestereo’.
For the 3D purists among his viewing audience, Mr. Darkly has provided other, more traditional stereo viewing options. The hypnotic, shifting method also known as wiggle stereography, however, is an easier way of appreciating his synthetic sculptures without unusual eye acrobatics. After viewing Jon’s latest work, all other creative endeavors you encounter will certainly seem a little more… stable.
Written by Jeff in September of 2007. Last edited September 2014.